West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's nephew Abhishek Banerjee was interrogated by the CBI for 10 hours in a recruitment corruption case. He appeared at the CBI office in Kolkata at around 11 am local time on Saturday. Later came out at 8:40 PM. He said that 10 officers interrogated him.
He said, he was basically asked why the accused Kuntal Ghosh had repeatedly written Abhishek's name in his letter? Moreover, what is the relationship between Kuntal and Abhishek?
After the interrogation, Abhishek complained and said, 'Basically, I have been called on the orders of the political party. I will not work as Delhi's pet dog. They are trying to bully the Central Investigation Agency.'
Meanwhile BJP spokesperson Shamik Bhattacharya said, 'He who says I am innocent. I have nothing to do with the incident. He who challenges, prepare the gallows for me. Why he does not want to finish the investigation? Why his reluctance?
On the other hand, during the marathon interrogation of Abhishek, Mamata tweeted, 'On this day in 2001, we overthrew the demonic rule of 34 years and formed a government of mother-soil-people in West Bengal. I am making a new promise today. Devoting ourselves to the service of common people.'
He further said, 'Agency-raj is being run by the dictatorial government at the Centre. Which makes our work challenging. But millions of people across the country are with us in this march. Long live May 20.'