Rain is the name of God's wonderful grace. Only people forced to live in rainless drought can feel this in their bones. Day after day they gaze at the vast sky; A few drops of cold beg for mercy. A single shower of rain can bring life to the gray and lifeless desert; Burnt crops and deforested forests can bring a green glow. The Qur'an has a deep connection with this life-giving nature of rain. Allah Ta'ala revealed the Holy Qur'an to awaken the sleeping hearts of people and to beautify the lifeless hearts caught in rust. The Qur'an is a rain of relief to grow green crops in the land of the heart bursting with sin.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has mentioned rain in various ways. It is an indispensable element in maintaining the life-vibrancy and existence of the earth. Absolute control of rain, water and seas and rivers is in the hands of Allah alone. He reminded the people of that blessing and said, 'He is the One who created the heavens and the earth and sends down rain from the sky to produce fruits of various kinds for your sustenance.' (Sura: Ibrahim, verse 32)
Not only the rain, but also the ability to spread the rain-bearing clouds from the sea across the sky and store them again for the welfare of the people after the rain. Saying, 'I send the rain-bearing winds. Then I will send rain from the sky and give you drink. Basically you are not able to save it.' (Sura: Hijr, verse 22)
There are vast areas on earth where life is largely impossible; The green earth and the smell of wet soil are nothing more than a dream there. However, when the rain of mercy falls on the bosom of the Usar desert, life is transmitted to the cells of the rough soil and the greenish vines come out through the soil. Allah Ta'ala says, 'And He who sends down moderate rain from the sky. Then I revive the dead land with it. This is how you will be resurrected.' (Surah: Zukhruf, verse 11)
The grain that falls from the bird's beak also grows rapidly if it receives a little rain or light moisture and donates it to us with two hands full. All kinds of vegetables and fruits that we eat are the gift of rain. And the rain, he is the gift of God! It is said, 'And He it is who sends down rain from the sky. Then with it I produce all kinds of plants. Then we grow green leaves from it - from it we extract densely packed grains. And from the top of the date-palm tree I bring out the drooping bunches, I create vineyards, olives and pomegranates—the same, and again different. When the fruit comes and ripens on the tree, look closely at it. There are many signs for the believers in these. (Surah: An'am, verse 99)
Similarly, the rain of the human heart is the Holy Qur'an. Just as rain softens the soil and decorates the earth, the Qur'an also softens the hearts of people and helps them to build enlightened lives. A sleeping conscience, a dead soul and a stone-hard mind filled with sin swell up and become adorned with the Qur'an itself. So comparing the human heart to rain, Allah says, 'Has not the time come for the believers that their hearts will be softened by the remembrance of Allah and the truth (Qur'an) that has been revealed? And let them not be like those who were given the Book before, then their hearts become hard after a long time has passed. Most of them were sinners. Know that Allah revives the earth after death. I have revealed My signs to you so that you may understand.' (Sura: Hadith, verses 16-17)
Imagine the believer's heart as land and the Qur'an as rain. When the cool rain of the Qur'an falls on the rough ground of the chest, it becomes strong and confident in the words of the Imam. After that, the ultimate goal of life is Paradise and the pursuit of God's pleasure.
But just as the rain produces different varieties of trees under its touch, so does the Qur'an make the hearts of men possessing distinct characteristics. You see, every believer has different personalities, qualities, experiences, ideals, loves and hates. However, despite the differences in opinion and path, the destination of the believer is the same - Paradise. It's like all the same rain crop!
There will be differences in the believing soul—that is the beauty and aesthetics of faith. None of us know who will attain eternal success through any good work. No good deed is sufficient to pass the test of the Hereafter—unless the heart is filled with fear of Allah and looks forward to accepting the truth of the Qur'an. The more alive, strong and colored the heart is with the colors of the Qur'an, the more it will help in attaining the pleasure of Allah.
Just as we accept the coexistence of thousands of different kinds of trees born by the touch of rain, so we must accept the diversity of the believing heart. Just as the vast Amazon forest is formed by the combination of thousands of different species of trees, so the strong human society will be formed by the bond of billions of living beings. Because it is never possible for us to build the whole world on our own opinion. Therefore, our responsibility is to moisten our hearts and those around us with the rain of the Qur'an, accept diversity and live harmoniously shoulder to shoulder and build a beautiful and tolerant world.