What harm does excess tea in the heat?

There is no tea season for those who are crazy about tea. Sip the tea in the same way in winter or summer. But during the recent heat, experts are suggesting to eat less tea.

Excess tea in this heat is not good for the body at all. There is a risk of various damage to the body if you drink tea.
1. Tea contains a substance called tannin. If this element reaches the body in excess, iron absorption becomes problematic. Due to this reason, drinking too much tea increases the risk of anemia in the body due to iron deficiency.
2. If you drink excessive amount of tea in summer, worry and anxiety increase. Because tea contains an ingredient called caffeine. And when this material reaches the body in large quantities, mental instability increases several times. Added to this is anxiety, anxiety.
3. In summer, sleep is already disturbed, then drinking tea again is out of the question. According to experts, the caffeine in tea helps induce sleep. Sipping a cup of tea especially at night can cause insomnia. For this reason, if you have sleep problems, it is not right to drink tea more than two or three times a day.
4. Too much tannin in tea can cause stomach and intestinal problems. As a result, it increases the risk of several complications, starting from nausea to stomach pain.
5. Drinking excessive amounts of tea will increase the risk of falling into the trap of several problems including heartburn, sour mouth. So if you want to stay away from stomach problems on hot days, drink 2-3 cups of liquor tea a day.