Children often suffer from fever. Some children may have seizures when their body temperature rises, commonly known as febrile convulsions or febrile convulsions. Whose is it? - Usually children between three months and six years of age may have this seizure on the first day of fever. - Fever after vaccination increases the risk of convulsions. - The risk increases if a parent, sibling or close relative has a history of febrile convulsions. - If the child has convulsions with fever for the first time, there is a risk of convulsions every time the child has fever. What are the symptoms? -Suddenly the child's arms and legs may curl up, roll their eyes, stare, clench their teeth, and foam at the mouth. - Seizures usually occur only once and may last several minutes. - After a seizure, the child returns to normal or may fall asleep. - After convulsions, no part of the body is paralyzed or the normal development of the child is disturbed.
What to do if you have a seizure?
-The most important thing is not to panic.
-Move the child to a safe place quickly and remove any tight clothing.
- It should be tilted to one side. Do not put spoons or anything else between the teeth.
- Do not put any food or medicine in the child's mouth.
-Prompt fever reduction should be done. Paracetamol-suppositories can be given according to age and weight.
- The body should be wiped with warm water. If the fever is high, water should be given to the head. When to take the hospital?
- If the convulsions last for a long time or are repeated on the same day or if it is the child's first febrile convulsion, the child should be taken to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.
– If the child faints. -If the child's normal development is disturbed after a seizure.
Remember, normal febrile seizures stop when the body temperature drops and the child does not have any health problems. Therefore, it is possible to cure seizures by being a little aware rather than panicking. Author: Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Pathologist and Associate Professor, Bangladesh Children's Hospital and Institute, Dhaka; Consultant, Alok Healthcare Limited, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka.