No trust in upazila health hospital

Due to shortage of manpower, smelly environment, mismanagement, unprofessional behavior of doctors and lack of specialist doctors, patients do not have confidence in the upazila health complex. Many people don't want to go to upazila health complex because of the unsanitary environment and the smell of dirty toilets. A class of doctors are also comfortable seeing patients in their private chambers rather than in government hospitals. Such is the picture of nine upazila health complexes of Chittagong, Magura, Feni, Rajshahi, Netrakona, Khulna, Joypurhat, Naogaon and Bagerhat.

Rangunia (Chittagong) Correspondent said that although the rate of infection and death is on the rise, the quality of corona treatment services in Chittagong's Rangunia Upazila Health Complex has not increased. Upazila Health Complex lacks important ancillary facilities including medical capacity, ICU. There is no operator to operate the x-ray machine. Rangunia's efforts to combat corona are going on with the limitation of sample collection and first aid.

Mohammadpur (Magura) Correspondent said that 80% of the patients receiving daily treatment at Mohammadpur Upazila Health Complex in Magura are showing corona symptoms. The number of corona infected patients is also increasing day by day. Due to the shortage of doctors and manpower, none of the doctors are able to comply with the quarantine.

Daganbhuyan correspondent said that the doctors are having to deal with the crowd of patients at Daganbhuyan health complex. As the oxygen shortage is at an extreme level, the patients are in danger every day. Medical services are being disrupted due to vacant posts of doctors, nurses III, IV class employees and radiologists.

Morelganj (Bagerhat) correspondent said, 2 posts of pathology in this upazila health complex are vacant for 4/5 years. X-ray department closed. UPI technician Deepak Kumar and CHCP Farooq Hossain are struggling to handle the corona unit. Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Kamal Hossain Mufti said that due to the shortage of rooms, there is no opportunity to make separate units.

Charghat (Rajshahi) correspondent said, there is no doctor in cardiology, medicine, orthopedics, surgery, ENT, ophthalmology department in this upazila health complex for a year. Emergency Obstetrics services are closed due to lack of doctors in anesthesia and gynecology department. There is a shortage of technicians and operators for ECR, ECG and sonography machines.

There is no medical service even near the capital

Terkhada (Khulna) Correspondent said that the Terkhada Upazila Health Complex is struggling with various problems including shortage of doctors, broken X-ray machine, closure of pathology lab, shortage of nurses, lack of cleanliness. Due to the shortage of doctors, many patients return home every day without seeking care.

Panchbibi (Jaipurhat) Correspondent said, services are going on with only 4 doctors in Panchbibi Upazila Health Complex of Joypurhat. Patients are transported on hire as ambulances break down. The operation theater has been closed for more than 5 years due to lack of anesthetized doctors. Atra Upazila Health Complex has 50 beds.


